About CAT7验证——CLASS F或者Fa测试FLUKE解决方案

  七类CLASS F线缆认证测试标准在TIA的标准数据库中是直接跳过,取而代之的是八类的通道测试标准,真正认证七类测试的是在ISO标准数据库中,找到ISO11801 CHANNEL CLASS F或者FA,这就是标准的七类测试标准,测试频率需要达到500MHZ,我们将通过实际测试,阐述七类测试的要点。七类测试之前,会被DTX-1800或者DSX5000系列强制认定自校准,这个过程和标准的设置基准是一样的操作。


  To test to 1 GHz,please look to the DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer which has been approved by Siemon.

  TERA is Siemon's Category 7 connector used in Class F and FA cabling systems.It's a non RJ-45,shielded connector.Since it is not RJ45 based,you cannot use your DTX-PLA001 with DSP-PM06 or DTX-PLA002 Permanent Link Adapters.Likewise,you cannot use your DTX-CHA001,001A or 002 Channel Adapters.



  You need to order the DTX-TERA kit.You will need a DTX-1800 CableAnalyzer.If you have a DTX-1200 CableAnalyzer,it can be upgraded to a DTX-1800 CableAnalyzer by purchasing the DTX-1200 Enhancement Kit,Part Number:DTX-1218E.

  Do NOT order just the DTX-PLA011 TERA Permanent Link Adapters.You will also need at least one DTX-CHA011 TERA Channel Adapter so you can Set Reference with the main and remote units.(Shown below)

  Class FA is rated to 1,000 MHz(1 GHz).However,when you select a Class FA limit in the DTX CableAnalyzer,the test limit will stop at 600 MHz.Why?To answer this,we'll look to what the standard states.ISO/IEC 11801 Amendment 1 and 2 defers testing requirements to IEC 61935-1.

  In IEC 61935-1 we see the following text:

  6.7 Accuracy performance requirements for Level IV field testers over 600 MHz.The Level IV requirements shall apply to measurements of class FA cabling up to 600 MHz and pass/fail evaluation criteria shall apply.Measurement data over 600 MHz shall be provided for information only.Detailed requirements over 600 MHz are for further study.

  Accuracy becomes a real issue above 600 MHz for field testing.At 1,000 MHz,the Insertion Loss accuracy is going to be at least+/-6 dB.

